Have you ever pondered what other methods there are to purify the air in your house? So has NASA! They’ve been working hard to answer the question – Do Plants Purify Air at Home? Surprisingly, they have been coming up with some astonishing data.
You may wonder why NASA is researching air quality in a home, but it actually makes sense. Spaceships have poor air quality just like in office or apartments. This is mainly due to the small spaces. In fact, indoor air pollutants build up and invade the air going into our lungs.
Living and working with these contaminants can cause headaches, nausea, nasal irritation and dizziness. Thankfully, NASA has been able to understand the problems and find some solutions. The question “Do Plants Purify Air at Home?” can finally be answered with a YES!
Air Quality Matters
It is estimated that people will spend more than 90 percent of their time indoors. That means that the air quality inside makes a difference. Your furnishings, building materials and cleaning products have the potential to emit toxic compounds. Some of these include formaldehyde.
Indoor pollution is also caused by bacteria, mould and pollen. All of these together combined with a poorly-ventilated area can make for dangerous air quality conditions.
How to Use Plants for Purification
You can use plants as an easy and affordable solution to purify the air. Adding potted plants to a room shows a reduction in the number of air particulates. That’s because plants absorb particulates from the air as they take in carbon dioxide. Then, the potting soil of the plant helps to clean the air.
It is important to note that not all plants are going to be beneficial. There are some that may cause more issues for people with respiratory problems as plants in bloom can send their compounds into the air.
Here are a few plants you might want to consider having in the house:
- Garden Mum – removes ammonia, formaldehyde and xylene from indoor air
- Spider Plants – easy to care for plant that removes formaldehyde and xylene
- Peace Lily – small plant that removes ammonia, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene
- Bamboo – pet-friendly plant removes benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene
Aside from the air quality, plants have a way of making people feel better. It has been proven that hospital patients who have plants tend to have lower blood pressure and a more positive outlook. Plants have a way of helping you stay alert while reducing mental fatigue.
Do Plants Purify Air?
So…do plants purify air? You bet they do, and it’s a great way to improve your quality of life as well. While plants are beneficial and they are going to purify your air, they won’t remove enough moisture from the air to keep you safe from mould and mildew. That’s why it is important that plants are used in conjunction with a high-quality dehumidifier.
By effectively using both a top-notch dehumidifier and plants, you can reduce humidity in the home and purify the air. Need help finding the right unit for your needs? Be sure to read our Best Dehumidifier in the UK Guide.